"Nature is PRECIOUS"

"Nature is Precious"
by E. A Lintang Wardyani

Allah has created the sun and the moon..

The sun shines so bright
Gives its very shiny light
and Everynight...
The moon shines with its tight light
It's a sign for coming of the twilight

The sun gives chances to nature
To always give a bright future
A bright future for all creature

The Moon protects the nature
From all the darkness with the lights of pure
to make night become the cure
the cure for the wounds of nature

The wounds caused by the creatures
especially the most greedy creatures
who are those creatures?

Humans who have a huge selfishness
Humans who never care, the careless
Humans who never realized that nature is precious

As precious as the million stars on the sky
As precious as everything on Galaxy
As precious as the life of humans themselves

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